Non-Surgical Facelift Threading Explained

Facelift threading, also known as a thread lift or a thread facelift, is a type of non-surgical facelift that men or women can have to combat signs of ageing like wrinkles and sagging skin.

If you are unable to receive a surgical facelift for medical reasons, or you simply don’t want to have to undergo surgery, then a thread lift can be an effective alternative treatment.

When compared with other non-surgical facelifts in Liverpool, thread lifts have their own unique pros and cons.

What is a thread lift?

A thread lift is a non-surgical procedure that involves the insertion of temporary dissolvable threads, or sutures, under the skin in different target areas of the face. These threads then provide the skin with a ‘lift’ as they are tightened.

The body is able to detect the threads in the skin and then initiates a healing response. This healing response essentially stimulates a flow of collagen to the treatment site which makes for long lasting results once the threads have dissolved and been absorbed by the body.

Thread lifts are more suitable for patients in their 30s to 50s. Any older than this and a full surgical facelift may be the better option for more effective results. Patients in the 30-50 range will likely have skin that sags less than older patients and therefore can use thread lifts as more of a preventative treatment without having to go through surgery.

Facial thread lift

The effect of a full facelift can be achieved by having a thread lift, although the results won’t be as effective as a surgical facelift.

While the threads are still present under the skin, the immediate ‘lift’ effect will be most prominent. This period lasts for up to six months until the threads dissolve and the body absorbs them.

However, the increase in collagen caused by the body’s healing response while the threads are in the skin causes an improvement to skin elasticity and vibrancy which lasts for anywhere up to three years.

Eyebrow thread lift

One of the specific areas where you can receive a thread lift is in the forehead to lift the eyebrows.

This type of thread lift will provide a lift to the corners of the eyebrows which can help with a number of cosmetic issues such as hooded eyelids, drooped eyes, and heavy eyebrows. On top of this, a thread lift to the upper face can do wonders in terms of making you look more refreshed and awake.

An eyebrow thread lift can also be used to create a symmetrical upper face and can be personalised to your needs by applying threads on one side.

Jawline thread lift

Another area that can be treated with a thread lift is the jawline.

A thread lift in this area can be used to combat excessive jowls and marionette lines. By placing the threads into the lower cheek area and around the jawline, the skin will be pulled taut and leave behind a more defined jawline.

Jawline thread lifts also firm up some of the skin under the chin and on the neck as they contract the whole lower face.

Thread lift – before and after examples

Thread face lift before and after pictures are a good way to set your expectations for the treatment. However, because your body naturally produces collagen as part of a healing response to the threads, this will cause an increase in the elasticity of your skin on the treated areas and your results improve over time.

Nevertheless, you can still compare thread lift before and after photos to other non-surgical facelift before and after photos to get an idea of what you can expect from each procedure.

See in the images below how the patient has less skin sagging under the chin and less defined marionette lines from a thread lift.

About the thread lift procedure

Thread lifts are a relatively cheap and minimally invasive procedure when compared to surgical facelifts.

The price will be a fraction of what you would pay for with a surgical facelift as the procedure can be performed very quickly and without the use of general anaesthetic.

You can expect your treatment to last between 30 and 45 minutes and once it is finished you can return to your routine with no downtime. This makes it the perfect choice for fitting a treatment in on your lunch break or between other appointments.

Finding a provider with sufficient non-surgical facelift training is important as they may be able to provide you with multiple treatments that complement each other well such as thread lifts with dermal fillers in other strategic locations.

Of course, there are cons that come with the thread lift procedure. You may experience bruising and/or bleeding in the treated area but this will usually recover quickly.

For a few weeks after your procedure, you will have to avoid using moisturiser on your face and sleeping on your side as this might disturb the threads.

Lastly, a very small number of people may experience a reaction to the material used in the threads or develop an infection in the treated area. If this is the case, then you can easily return to your treatment provider and have the threads removed so that you can then recover fully.


How long does a thread lift last?

Thread lifts can last for up to six months but long-term benefits will be present for up to three years.

Do threads in a thread lift dissolve?

Yes, the threads are usually absorbed by the body after around six months.

Is a thread facelift safe?

Thread facelifts are generally very safe procedures, especially when compared with surgical facelifts as patients only need local anaesthetic rather than general anaesthetic.

Can a thread lift be reversed?

Yes, if a patient has a reaction to the threads then they can easily be removed.

Can you fly after a thread lift?

Yes, you can fly and pretty much live life as normal immediately following a thread lift.

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