If you dream of having ultra-smooth skin 24/7, then an investment in laser hair removal will help make this particular dream a reality. With our laser hair removal service in Liverpool, you can drop the razors and put down the waxing strips for good.
While you will need more than one treatment to see the best results, you will lose between 10% – 25% of unwanted hair after every treatment as well as notice that your hair that does grow back, grows back thinner and slower.
This is our guide on post-laser hair removal care when it comes to your skincare routine after treatment. This applies to every individual treatment session, rather than your complete course of treatment when you are finished. For more information, see our guide specifically on moisturising after your laser hair removal treatments.
What to do after laser hair removal
After a laser hair removal session, you should follow your treatment provider’s specific aftercare instructions. This may be personalised to yourself and the service that you received, and you will have the opportunity to get answers to any questions that you may have.
Your aftercare instructions will usually include keeping out of the sun in order to avoid skin damage after treatment (and before your next session) and consistently applying sun cream to the treated areas. This is one of the most important things to remember after your session is over, and you should keep it in mind for around a week afterwards.
As well as this, you may be advised to use cooling packs on your skin over the next few days to ease redness or swelling after treatment. Then there’s the advice to minimise skin irritation from tight-fitting clothes, hot water, or makeup.
There will also be specific instructions regarding lifestyle choices such as your alcohol intake around laser hair removal sessions, as well as guidance on how you should prepare your hair for the next treatment in regards to shaving or waxing.

Best cream for after laser hair removal
There are multiple types of creams that you should use after laser hair removal. This includes a moisturiser, a sun cream, and a cooling cream such as aloe vera.
Most moisturisers should be okay for use after laser hair removal, although you may find that your skin is sensitive and so you should use a perfume-free moisturiser if you don’t already. You can also find moisturisers that are rich in vitamin E or other vitamins or contain SPF.
Sun cream is very important after you have received laser hair removal. A perfume-free sun cream of at least SPF 30 should be used regularly on top of avoiding direct skin exposure to sunlight and other UV lights such as tanning beds.
Aloe vera is a great cooling lotion that is gentle on the skin. If you keep your aloe vera in the fridge then you can regularly apply it to the skin if you ever feel pain or irritation by the redness on your skin, this will keep you cool and comfortable during those first few days after treatment.

Can you use niacinamide after laser hair removal?
Niacinamide serum by itself is a form of vitamin B3 and is included in many skincare products that contain acids. You should wait at least 72 hours before applying this to your skin after laser hair removal treatment, or longer if your treatment provider says so.
Most manufacturers of niacinamide serums include in their direction labels to avoid the application if you have skin irritation or sunburn. You will have some amount of skin irritation after laser hair removal, so keep this in mind before resuming your normal skincare routine.
Laser hair removal at Liverpool’s Beauty Barn Clinic & Spa
Before attending a session here at Beauty Barn, one of our expert members of staff will conduct a consultation with you where you have the opportunity to ask any questions that you like, and we can see whether you are eligible for your treatment.
For more information on laser hair removal and the right aftercare for you, we advise you to get in touch with our clinic and arrange a consultation. We look forward to speaking to you.